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Community Enrichment

Embrace healthy living through a harmonious connection with nature. From engaging educational events to hands-on workshops, the farm doubles as a community classroom to learn the staples of regenerative agriculture and healthy eating.

The Need

In today's technologically driven society, intentional time spent in nature is more important and more scarce than ever. We invite our community to make the time to connect with nature by engaging in our public opportunities at Reed's. The positive impacts of access to nature are well documented, and the American Psychological Association reports the following benefits can be attributed to time spent in nature:

  • Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being.

  • Feeling connected to nature can produce similar benefits to well-being, regardless of how much time one spends outdoors.

  • Both green spaces and blue spaces (aquatic environments) produce well-being benefits. More remote and biodiverse spaces may be particularly helpful, though even urban parks and trees can lead to positive outcomes.

Skills-Based Workshops

Join us each month for exciting hands-on workshops, where you can delve into topics like herbalism, sustainable gardening, land management and the joy of healthy cooking. These workshops are designed to foster a vibrant community committed to a future of healthy living.

Community Soup Program

Leadership Stew is a program designed to reduce food waste and food insecurity simultaneously. As part of our educational programming, we make soup with the goal of expanding our participants’ confidence and leadership skills in the kitchen. We use excess produce grown at our farm to create nutritious soups to be distributed at no cost by our partners in Atlantic City at The Leadership Studio, CROPS and Angels in Motion.

Seaside Seedlings

We support budding urban gardens by assisting with administration, planning, and sourcing materials to foster a network of green spaces that alleviate food desert conditions in Atlantic City. We use our donor-sponsored greenhouses as a nursery to cultivate seedlings for off-site garden spaces.

Become a Community Partner

Working with community businesses and our neighbors, our goal is to continue growing our educational programs and make them accessible to everyone.

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